Saturday, 15 November 2014

Healthy food options for every hungry occasion

Students aren’t renowned for having great diets. Sometimes it’s just easier to sit back after a long day and order a takeaway, or fill up on crisps and chocolate. What you might not fully realise is that what you eat has a huge effect on how you feel, as well as how you look, especially when all you’re eating is processed food. Try some of the quick and easy ideas below for food that gives you the energy you need to survive a full day of university!

If you’re in a rush…

Image: VegaTeam via Flickr.

Try a smoothie. Blend milk, oats and a banana for a sweet snack (or breakfast!), or add a handful of frozen berries for an antioxidants boost. You could also try adding spinach – but don’t be put off by the colour!

If you get hungry really quickly…

 Image: Rachel Hathaway via Flickr.

Try a meal filled with protein and fats, which keep you fuller for longer and don’t leave you with the energy spike (and crash) that some carbohydrates do. Cook enough chicken for three to four days and store it in the fridge, and before going into university for the day, combine a serving with some spinach, vegetables, nuts and seeds and a tasty dressing (try balsamic or hummus) for a nutritious salad you can take with you.

And if you’re vegetarian…

Image: John via Flickr.

Replace chicken with beans and chickpeas, or try adding tofu to your salads – marinate it in olive oil, salt, paprika and soy sauce, and bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes until it’s crispy on the outside.

If you’re craving something sweet…

Image: Migle via Flickr.

Make up your own snack bag to dip in and out of when you feel a craving coming on. Combine your favourite nuts and seeds with some dark chocolate chips (or milk, if you’re feeling decadent) and some dried fruit. The nuts and seeds are also a really great way to stave off hunger if you’re in lectures all day.

If you want chips…

Image: Steven Depolo via Flickr.

Try sweet potato fries, instead. They’re tastier and they contain more nutritional value than normal potatoes. Chop up into chip shapes, add olive oil, salt and paprika, and bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes until they’re soft and fluffy inside.

If you want pizza…

Image: Shannon via Flickr.

Have pizza. Life’s not about restricting everything you enjoy, and pizza is the food of the gods. Just maybe try not to eat it every day – it tastes better when you have it as a treat, anyway!

Originally published on Her Campus (images changed).

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